The harvest, acceptance, quebec ownership

The harvest, acceptance, quebec ownership

The harvest, acceptance, quebec commercial architecture, new Canadian farm building projects, photos

February 16, 2024

Design: Thellend Fortin Architectes

Rent: Acceptance, Quebec, Canada

The harvest of the acceptance quebec

Photos: Charles Lanteigne

The harvest, Canada

The harvest The project includes the expansion of a multi -purpose building to arable land in the city of L'Asompion. The design concept of the building is based on the idea of ​​editing the country, from seeds to harvest. In a large agricultural area, the expansion project was carried out in addition to existing, contrasting buildings on cultivated land.

The harvest of the acceptance of Canada

Since the farm has developed and modern agriculture has become more complex, the needs of the agricultural owner and his employees are also postponed – a new work environment was necessary. The expansion focuses on the administrative use of the building, but also includes an operational component with commercial cuisine and a green roof.

The harvest of the acceptance of Quebec Canada

The expansion of the building enabled us to reinterpret the typology of agriculture on cultivated country in the Vallée du Saint-Laurent. The main building on the property has Mansard metal roofs with standing seams. The project takes up this simple, yet defined silhouette and uses a simple volume on the second floor with a gable roof.

The harvest of the acceptance quebec

The volume is aligned with the original comb and rests on specific support. This perfect orientation serves as a connection between the past and the present, and a new metal roof in a brushed zinc color integrates the building into the entire area, a recall to the same palette as the original sheet metal of the farm building.

The harvest quebec canada

The expansion plan was developed by a number of parallel lines that organize the rooms. These simple lines are reflected in the frequented concrete walls and anchor all design elements. The walls act as built -in furniture: work areas, bookshelves, etc.

The harvest of the acceptance of Quebec Canada

At the top, a number of wooden ceiling slats follow the same rhythm that is interrupted by plaster strips as the lighting. Each component of the extended interiors draws on this linear framework.

The harvest of the acceptance of Canada

The ground floor, built from board, draws more parallel lines and digs into the ground in rows. This linear geometry takes information from the devices used to the floor. A repetition of vertical walls, also in a bedding concrete, organizes the building in separate work areas for multidisciplinary teams.

The harvest of the acceptance of Canada

The use of concrete at the point conveys a feeling of strength and solidity, which increases physical work in the country. With an allusion to the landscape of agriculture, Hemlock boards, which were added to the formwork, impressed the grain of the wood on the concrete and called back to the use of traditional Hemlockin farm buildings.

The harvest of the acceptance quebec

A simple volume with a gable roof and extensive windows extends over a concrete support and opens on both sides on roofing gardens, its silhouette and shape, which reflects that of an adjacent barn. This construction was perfectly integrated into the existing buildings of the farm and offers the team a look at the fruits of their work.

The harvest of the acceptance of Canada

The harvest in Quebec, Canada real estate information

Design: Thellend Fortin Architectes –

Project size: 200 m²
Final date: 2021
Building levels: 2

The harvest of the acceptance of Quebec Canada

The harvest of the acceptance of Quebec Canada

Plates winner – special price / architecture + landscape

Gold certification
Commercial building / mixed building
Trade building / factory & warehouse
Special award / architecture + wood
Special award / sustainable architecture

Silver certification
Commercial building / low-rise office building
Special award / architecture + color

Bronze certification
Special award / architecture + concrete
Design Grand Prix, 15th edition

The harvest of the acceptance quebec

Photography: Charles Lanteigne

The information / pictures of Récoltes, Québec, Canada received 160225 from V2COM Newswire

Location: Québec, Canada

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