According to a report, Nripendra Mishra, chairman of Ram Mandir Nirman Samiti, reviewed the ongoing construction work at Ram Janmabhoomi on Tuesday. Nripendra Mishra also held a meeting with officials of L&T and Tata Consulting Engineers Limited and Temple Trust officials on Saturday. Trust sources said possible timelines have been set for various upcoming construction works.
Perhaps Nripendra Mishra, chairman of Ram Mandir Nirman Samiti, said that a lake called Pushkari was under construction between the temples of Hindu saints. The construction of six temples of Hindu saints, ponds and a kilometer-long rampart is expected to be completed by June next year. Three million cubic feet of stones will be used to construct the wall. He said that the statues of Hindu saints were under construction in Jaipur and would be inspected in the last week of January. After the construction of these temples is completed, these statues will be taken to Ayodhya for installation.
Meanwhile, the proposed entrance gates in all four directions for entry into Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Temple will be named after famous Acharyas of history. These names have yet to be decided. Additionally, a marching deadline has been set for completion of work on roads within the temple complex before reaching Ram Navami. All of the above-mentioned topics were discussed in detail at this meeting with the chairman of the building committee and those responsible for the property developers. In addition, 40 hectares of the 70-hectare temple complex will be dedicated to green space. Of this, 18 hectares of “Haritika Vithi” will be ready by March. After the Saptarishi temple is completed, a beautiful pushkarini (pond full of flowers) will be built between them. Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trustee Anil Mishra, who was present at the meeting, shared the above information.