Porsche, in collaboration with Liter of Light, an NGO, has brightened the homes of rural villagers in Maharashtra and Gujarat this Diwali by distributing 1,963 solar-powered lamps. These lamps were reportedly handmade by previously unemployed women in Mumbai as part of an initiative to empower communities and promote sustainability. Prior to their distribution, the lamps were showcased in a stunning light installation at the iconic Gateway of India in Mumbai, where they were arranged in the shape of the Porsche crest, setting a new Guinness World Record for the largest display of solar-powered lamps, the company added.
“We are delighted that we were able to produce such a spectacular exhibition while also contributing to improving the lives of those involved in this project. From the women cooperatives we have engaged with green skills to the families who will ultimately benefit from these solar lamps, this project truly embodies the spirit of community empowerment,” said Illac Diaz, founder and executive director of Liter of Light.
The project was carried out with the support of local organizations including the Rotary Club of Bombay Juhu Beach.
“Porsche India is honored to partner with Liter of Light to make a truly meaningful impact this Diwali and celebrate the Festival of Lights by bringing solar-powered light to communities in need,” added Manolito Vujicic, Brand Director, Porsche India, added.
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