Implement the city reinforcement of emergency processes to strengthen emergency processes and at the same time implement long -term resilience plans
Today, Mayor Michelle Wu, the chief of emergency preparation Adrian Jordan, the Chief Climate Officer Brian Swett, Dion Irish, and public security officers divided Boston's preparations for extreme weather events, including efforts to reduce risks with long-term air conditioning plans and running plans and ongoing efforts, the emergency reaction of the To update the city. As a coastal city, Boston looks like the increasing risk of climate of an extreme warmth, increasing coastal flooding and intensive rainwater. The city's cross -departmental approach has shifted the focus from planning to implementation, the strengthening of the residents, the support of the communities with the greatest risk of flooding and other emergency events and the reduction of risk through resilience efforts.
“Climate rabbits require an entire state approach, and here in Boston we have worked on short and long -term initiatives to react better in emergency situations and to protect our residents in the coming generations” Mayor Michelle Wu. “Emergency weather events in other parts of the country have emphasized the need that we share our progress and remind the residents of taking precautionary measures, e.g. I am grateful to our city departments and external partners for all their work behind the scenes to protect our communities. “
“Emergency provision is a common responsibility. In the city of Boston, we strive to provide the plans, resources and communication that are necessary to make our community safe” Emergency provision Adrian Jordan. “The more our residents informed, committed and prepared, the stronger our reaction will be in the face of everyone. I encourage all residents to register for Alertboston, to consider, consider, and, above all, create an emergency plan for themselves and their families. “
“If the risk of climate intensifies, our approach must be proactively for our current risks and adaptable to our changing climate. Boston not only strengthens its emergency responsibility capacities, but also creates long -term infrastructure investments to storm extremes, extreme storms before increasing sea, extremes To protect storms, and also in infrastructure investments, extreme storms ,, Extreme storms, and dangerous heat, ”said Brian Swett, Chief Climate Officer. “I am grateful for the management of Mayor WU to make the commitment of our city teams and the commitment of residents and business owners, Boston a national leader in climate silence and emergency provision.”
The city has worked to develop and implement projects for climate resilience to tackle the coastal floods, rainwater management and extreme warmth. Today, Mayor WU announced that the inspection service department (ISD) brought in an floodplain administrator with the presentation practices to improve the Auen management practices. These efforts can increase access to lower flood insurance within the framework of the FEMA's Community Rating System, for which setting an Auen administrator is an important first step towards qualification. Landlords and real estate managers will also see in this year's rent registration forms the possibility of whether their buildings contain cellar units. The residents of these units are exposed to a higher risk of flooding, and the city prioritizes the knowledge where they should proactively offer support.
“Boston takes implementable steps to prepare the built area of our city for future climate events and pursues previous planning work. The setting of the new Auen administrator is an example of how we create Boston in the Boston's risk reduction plan ”, shared Dion Irish, head of operations. “We concentrate on making both our public safety devices more resistant and ensuring that the buildings in which our communities gather, survive storms and continue to operate the residents during and after major climate events.”
Mayor WU joined today's press conference in the police station of District A-7 in East Boston, which the mayor opened in 2023. The new construction design contains resilience functions, including rainwater chambers under the parking lot and rainwater planters that catch rainwater that falls on site, and a cool white roof that helps with extreme heat captivation.
“As a representative of one of the most endangered coastal communities in Boston, I know first -hand that climate change is not a distant threat – it is a current reality” City Councilor Gabriela Coletta Zapata. “Our neighborhoods already see the effects of rising seas, extreme storms and dangerous heat. I recommend the administration for the move of actions and make sure that the residents, companies and infrastructures are better prepared for climate falls. From floodplain management to emergency responsibility, these efforts will help to protect our most endangered communities and create a more resilient city. ”
Further recent efforts to better react to potential flood events on the coast Tags training for use Exercise last autumn and improvement in the city's flood forecast and tracking system. The city has also worked on reducing the risk of flood events in the long term by implementing the overlay District (CFROD) coast of the coastal lines, which embedded national standards for embedding coastal resilience in our zoning code. Parks and green spaces for resistance such as McConnell Park In Dorchester and Ryan playground in Charlestown; And the assignment of the highest capital financing in Boston history for projects of coastal resilience. A new rainwater scholarship and credit program, which was launched by the Boston Water and Sewer Commission and the new green infrastructure standards, are now available to update the city's water and sewage system and its capacity during heavy rain.
Similar to extreme heat events, the city started the department for urban forestry to bring shadows to the hottest streets of the neighborhood. For example, 1,912 new street trees were planted in 2024. In addition, the city of Boston started the Boston Tree Alliance During planting over 160 trees on private properties and the greatest implementation of green roofs through the country in bus stops through the country. At important locations, including nine public library locations in Boston and three community centers, new Misting turrets and tents are used to cool the residents where they are.
“The Healey Driscoll Administration is lucky enough to have a strong group of emergency management partners on a local and state level that deal with the increasing complexity and frequency of crisis events through climate change,” said, “said,” said, “said ” Dawn Brantley Dawn Brantley in Massachusett's Emergency Management Agency. “Through cooperation, training and planning, Boston increases the resilience at community level and reduces the long -term weak point, especially in disadvantaged communities that are often disproportionately influenced by disasters.”
After major evacuations and storm emergencies across the country, the residents are encouraged to find out about their Evacuation routes. The Office of Emergency Management starts updating the existing evacuation route signs in the city in order to better reflect the current traffic flow and endangered areas. This also includes a shift to more online education materials in addition to physical signage.
The residents are encouraged to register Alarm BostonA free service in the 11 most spoken languages of the city.