Tulips are a strong spring, but they are also susceptible to one of the most devastating diseases in the world of gardeners.
Tulpfeuer is a fungal disease caused by the pathogen Botrytis tulipae This finally reaches and destroys all parts of the plant. Fortunately, when planting tulips, you can take steps to prevent the disease and reduce the likelihood that it infected your garden.
I am a big fan of tulips in all its many colors and sizes and have grown in my garden for decades. Here are my top tips for avoiding and treating tulip fire to ensure a light and beautiful carpet of spring color for the coming years.
What is Tulip Fire?
Tulip Fire looks like Schorken markings on the leaves of the affected plants
(Photo credit: Shutterstock/Matunka)
Tulip Fire is a fungal disease that only affects tulips – other varieties of spring and summer flower bulbs are safe in front of it.
It spreads very quickly, through infected soil, plant debris and spores in the air, and if you can infect many tulips in the same bed tulper in a short time and destroy your precious flowering plants.
Botrytis tulipaeThe pathogen that causes it is closely related to the Botrytis cinereaThe gray shape that usually affects a wide range of plants, including strawberries and as a fluffy gray -brown decay on fruit, flowers and leaves.
Symptoms of tulip fire
All parts of the tulp, including the buds, are affected and destroyed by tulip fire
(Photo credit: Getty Images/Roger anis)
Tulip Fire has its name from the brown markings that develop for the top growth of contaminated plants. The flowers, leaves and the trunk of infected tulips look as if they had been burned.
Small black and seed structures, which are known as sclerotia, develop on the dead tissue and can fall off to contaminate the surrounding soil and the outer scales of the plant lamps.
Diseased petals can be rotted quickly in wet weather, and dead plant material grow a gray fluffy shape when they are wet. Tulpfeuer also affects the light bulbs and rots.
How to fight Tulpfeuer
If you find a tulip fire on a plant, you should remove and dispose of it immediately
(Photo credit: Shutterstock/Fotohelin)
There are no chemical controls against tulp celebrations, and fungicides against other fungal diseases are not effective.
You must remove and destroy all affected onions and plant materials as soon as you notice a problem to avoid the spread of the disease.
One of the most common composting errors is to add sick plant material to your home compost container. You must never do this because the spores in the heat caused by the decomposing plants continue to live and spread around the farm.
Instead, burn or reject the light bulbs and the top growth and clean and disinfect all the tools that have come into contact with them, like this from Walmart. I also wash my garden gloves after handling sick plants.
As soon as you had a tulip fire in your garden, you do not plant tulips in the same floor as it has been growing for at least three years. If you have no choice but to plant at the same place, dig the ground deep to ensure that the upper contaminated layers are buried under the tulip planting levels.
Prevent tulip fire
Tulpfeuer can be prevented by planting tulips late in autumn and in the right depth and distance separately
(Photo credit: Shutterstock/Harald Mucus)
As with all vegetable fungal diseases, Tulip Fire thrives under warm, moist conditions. One of the simplest ways to prevent it is to plant your tulips as late as possible a year.
Spring bulbs are usually available from late summer and early autumn. So buy your tulips to make sure you get the desired varieties and then store them in a cool and dark place until you plant them. November is ideal when the floor is cooler and less mushroom -friendly.
Always choose solid, healthy light bulbs, buy in a serious outlet and plant your tulips down at the right depth of 6 to 8 inches. Place them in about 4 inches and do not overfill because poor ventilation can cause mushroom diseases.
Not even over water, since moist light bulbs rotten.
How to deal with tulp celebrations in containers
Tulpfeuer can affect plants that grow in containers
(Photo credit: Getty Images/Melanie K/500PX)
Tulpfeuer can affect plants in both containers and in the ground.
In this case, dispose of the entire affected plant material and then disinfect your tools and gloves.
Since tulpfeuer only affects tulips, you can reuse the potting soil by distributing it across your borders without endangering other plants. Remember where you used it and plant tulips in these areas for at least three years.
Always wash garden pots after use as well as the drainage dishes on your base with hot water and detergent and let everything dry thoroughly before reusing.
Should I plant tulips in the floor or in pots to avoid tulip fire?
Tulips are versatile plants and grow within limits as well as in containers in which you can play an important layer in an onion lasagna.
However, if your soil is difficult and susceptible to water logs in autumn and winter, you can grow better, and with less risk of developing tulip fire, in a container with high -quality potting and grit, so that it flows well and the risk is reduced by the onions sitting wet And rotting.
If you want to grow in beds and have tone floor, you can improve drainage and reduce the risk of an onion rot by diging in granules and well -rotted compost or fertilizer before planting.
What can I plant instead of tulips?
When looking for alternative spring bulbs, you will not have a choice. The earliest gentlemen of spring are snowdrops and aconites, followed by chionodoxa or fame of the snow, anemones, hyacinths, crocuses, cyclamen, dwarf. B. Iris reticulata And of course the large number of Narcissi (daffodils) that are contained in all shapes and heights.
Plant them for the best results at the right depth in a sunny place or even in your lawn, and look forward to starting with a rich color every year.
How can I tackle gray shape?
Botrytis gray shape is another common fungal disease that affects a wide range of plants, including grapes, soft fruit, salad, tomatoes and many ornamental plants, including pelargonies, chrysanthemums and cyclamen.
The symptoms include gray, blurred expression on all parts of the plant, soft brown decay on maturation fruits and small black “seeds” on affected material.
It is caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea And often plants attack that are damaged or stressed, even though they also influence healthy plants in places with high humidity and poor ventilation.
There are no chemical controls. Dispose of the affected plant material as soon as you see signs of gray form, and improve the ventilation to either open your plants by opening doors and windows when you are in a greenhouse or removing weeds around plants in the yard.
When planting, you can prevent gray mold by giving new plants so that they are not overcrowded and there is a good air flow around them.
Although Tulip Fire is a threat, it is not an insurmountable problem. By properly planting tulips and practicing good hygiene methods in your garden, you can keep it in check and enjoy years of glorious spring color. To ensure that you give tulips the care you need, you can find our guidelines what to do with tulips after you are useful.