Construction update: welcome center interior design

Construction update: welcome center interior design

While the crews about the construction of the new Welcome Center and the Jerusalem model building at the ARK encounter (it is good), our qualified manufacturing team in the design studio is also difficult to enter the interior.

They are currently making beautiful wooden beams that decorate the tips of the pillars. You can see them near the ceiling when you go to the welcome center. The team also creates a decorative, custom -made integration and cone -common fences, which is used in the ticketing queue.

So the topic will look when it is finished:

And here are some photos of the manufacturing staff who work hard on these different design elements:

Our welcome center and Jerusalem model will simply be breathtaking! The welcome center is expected to be opened later this year and the Jerusalem model at the end of 2026.

Thank you for a drop in and thank you for praying,

This article was written with the support of the AIG research team.

Categorized as Fencing

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