SRD receives over 350,000 US

SRD receives over 350,000 US

Tsunami Evacuation and boat driver security signage, documentary and evaluations that are also covered by financial resources

The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) has received 354,960.60 USD for various projects with regard to adaptation to adaptation and reduction in the disaster changes.

Financing is carried out by admission No. 5 of the financing flows of disaster risk reduction / climate adjustment. It is used to make risk reviews, install Tsunami education signs and carry out a Biver coexistence project for floods for the KW'AS Bay Road on Cortes Island.

“This grant shows the value of regional cooperation,” said Mark Baker, SRD chairman. “Beaver dams and blocked passports have led to floods along the KW'as Bay Road on Cortes Island, which represent risks to the residents and influence access to the emergency and leisure park. The focus of the board on the reduction of the disaster risk and the adaptation of the climate adjustment includes our project the installation of three defendants and a passage protection fence in order to mitigate the floods, to reduce risks and to restore wetlands to work with Bier, an important keystone -Art species. “

Biber coexistence techniques such as Pond-Levellers and Cunvern protection fences do not offer fatal solutions for beaver management and support the wetlands in the landscape, which are cultivated with beavers. Wetlands offer critical ecosystem services for reducing the disaster risk and adapting the climate adjustment, such as: B.:

  • Cleaning and storing water and groundwater charging
  • Mitigating floods and erosional precipitation events
  • Sequest and store carbon
  • Moderating climate extreme (heat waves and droughts)
  • Mitigating running

The following projects are also financed with this grant:

Risk reviews:

  • Take over
  • Provision of funds for Port McNeill in order to assess the effects on climate change in the infrastructure.


  • Install Tsunami Vacuation and Boaten -Sicherheit signs in Ahaminaquus, EHatis, Holberg, Oclucje, Quatsino, Tahsis, Winter Harbor, Yuquot and Zeballos.
  • Create a documentary about the KW'as Bay Road Beaver Coexistce/Flood Protection Project.

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