The show that all homeowners in Central Florida look forward to, to the Orlando Home & Garden Show – returns to the Orange County Convention Center on February 14th to 16th for the 16th year.
As always, the focus of the Orlando Home & Garden Show is at home. The participants have the option of meeting with builders, conversions and contractors from face to face as well as building accessories, new devices, home technicians and experiencing the latest in kitchen and bathroom design.
The latest products for interiors and outdoor are exhibited, including cover materials. Entertainment systems; Storage solutions; And all kinds of plants, landscape exhibitions, kitchen dishes and accessories.
When it comes to living space outdoors, landscape experts and designers with garden plants, hard circuits, scales, plans for decks and terraces, outdoor furniture, outer kitchens, fireplaces, fountain and much more are in harmony.
There will be a variety of exhibitors, educational speakers, special guests and family fun activities. The participants can buy plants; Sit on fishing ice cream mints, dog training demos and garden seminars; And browse sales for spas, windows, alternative energy, floor coverings and more.
Everything can be found from 12 noon to 6 p.m. Friday, February 14; Saturday, February 15 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Sunday, February 16 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the Orange County Convention Center, North Concourse, Halle B, 800 International Drive, Orlando.
Admission is free; Parking is 21.30 US dollars.