The focus group consists of 15 active community members, business owners and experts, all of whom call Howard County home. It met nine times over the course of six months starting in May 2024 before submitting its official report to Ball for consideration in December. In its report, the focus group focused on what would make the county's public garden a destination while respecting and balancing the historical significance of the site. The report also highlights the types of garden space the area should include, the use of native and non-native plants, impacts on pollinators and wildlife, and how the garden could connect with the people of Howard County.
To assist the county in making the public garden a reality, the Department of Recreation & Parks retained the services of Michael Graves & Associates, an internationally recognized design and architecture firm. The department has also begun interviewing landscape architecture firms to work with the county and Michael Graves & Associates on the garden's master planning process.
Information about the focus group, including a copy of its report, meeting minutes and more, can be found on the county's Public Garden Focus Group website.