The gardener receives an urgent warning after he has considered a common landscape tactic: '[It] Should be illegal '

The gardener receives an urgent warning after he has considered a common landscape tactic: '[It] Should be illegal '

Not all weed prevention methods are created equally. A Redditor recognized this after he turned to the R/Gardening Forum to ask about landscape design.

“What is the best brand of Unkrautguard?” Asked the operation.

Instead of obtaining landscape design recommendations, they were recorded with warnings.

“None of them,” said a commentator. “To be honest, weed screen should be illegal.”

Unfortunately, landscape design is not an effective way to free your garden from weeds. In fact, it actually harms more than useful. Landscape building materials can interfere with the water flow, cause drying magic and compact soil. The fabric barrier also reduces the floor ventilation required for root development.

Microorganisms and other small animals are essential for ecosystems. Earthworms and others cannot get through the fabric. It also influences the natural decomposition process that adds nutrients to the soil. Finally, the presence of useful bacteria and other microbes decreases.

The use of material to prevent weeds becomes a unsuccessful exertion, since invasive plants can simply sprout through them and grow at the top. If you use a dark fabric, remember that dark colors absorb heat and damage your plant roots.

In addition, landscape design has not been biodegraded and releases toxic microplastics in the soil and the waterways.

There are far better alternatives to weed prevention, including organic mulch and local ground cover such as clover. A method uses a “lasagna” technique that overlaps cardboard, compost, leaves and a top floor finish.

The inclusion of natural lawn alternatives in your garden is also a great way to save money for lawn care and water. Local plants not only save water, but also attract important pollinators, which supports the health of local ecosystems.

“Yo, don't buy a weed guard,” added another commentator. “The stuff is garbage and a pain in the A ** to remove a few years later when the soil delimits from the poor drainage it produces.”

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