At 1.3 billion light years, Quipu is officially the largest in the universe: Sciences

At 1.3 billion light years, Quipu is officially the largest in the universe: Sciences

Is it possible to understand the universe without understanding the greatest structures that are in it? In principle not likely.

Practical? Under no circumstances. Extremely large objects can distort our understanding of the cosmos.

So far, astronomers have found the largest structure in the universe, which Quipu called according to an Inca measuring system. It contains shocking 200 quadrillions of solar masses.

Astronomy is an endeavor in which extremely large numbers are part of the daily discourse. But even in astronomy there is 200 quad “a number that is so large that it rarely occurs.

And if Quipus does not draw extremely large masses, the size is certainly. The object, which is referred to as a structure, is more than 400 megaparsecs. That is more than 1.3 billion light years.

A structure that is large simply has to influence their surroundings and understand this effects is crucial for understanding the cosmos. According to new research, the studies by Quipu and its brothers can help us understand how galaxies develop, help us to improve our cosmological models and to improve the accuracy of our cosmological measurements.

Research entitled “Expanded the greatest structures in the nearby universe: discovery of the Quipu structure” was accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy and astrophysics. Hans Bohringer from Max Planck Institute is the main author.

“For a precise determination of the cosmological parameters, we have to understand the effects of the local large -scale structure of the universe on the measurements,” the authors write. “This includes modifications to the cosmic microwave background, distortions of heavenly images due to large-scale gravitational lenses and the influence of large-scale streaming movements on the measurements of the Hubble constant.”

Structures are extremely large structures that contain groups of galaxy clusters and super clusters. They are so massive that you question our understanding of how our universe has developed. Some of them are so massive that they break our models of cosmological development.

Quipu is the largest structure we have ever found in the universe. ES and the other four super structures that the researchers found contained 45 percent of galaxy clusters, 30 percent of the galaxies, 25 percent of matter and prove a volume share of 13 percent.

The picture below explains why you called Quipu. Quipu are recording devices made of knotted cables, which contain the node information based on color, order and number.

“This view gives the best impression of the structure as a long filament with small side filaments that initiated the naming of Quipu,” explain the authors in their paper.

Map of the Quipu structure
A wedge diagram in declination and removal of the Quipu structure. The distance is in units of Megaparsecs, with red dots showing the superstructure members and the black lines show that friends are linked to friends. (Bohringer et al., Astronomy and astrophysics2025)

In their work, Bohringer and his co-researchers Quipu and four other structures found within a distance area of ​​130 to 250 MPC. They used X -ray galaxia clusters to identify and analyze the buildings in their cosmic large -scale structure in X -rays (clusters).

X-ray galaxia clusters can contain thousands of galaxies and many very hot intracluster gas that emit X-rays. These emissions are the key to mapping the mass of the superstructures. X -rays pursue the densest regions of the subject concentration and the underlying cosmic web. The emissions are like a guide to identify buildings.

Diagram that shows the galaxy distribution in black, purple and yellow
Galaxy distribution in density degrees. The density ratio of the average density is shown by six contour values: 0 – 0.23 (black), 0.23 – 0.62 (dark blue), 0.62 – 1.13 (light blue), 1.13 – 1.9 (gray), 1.9 – 3.7 (olive) and> 3.7 (white). The clusters of the five buildings are overpoted with filled black circles. (Bohringer et al. 2025)

The authors point out that “the difference in the galaxy density around field clusters and members of builders is remarkable”. This could be due to the fact that field clusters are populated with less solid clusters than in the development and not because the field clusters have a lower galaxy density.

Regardless of the reasons, the mass of these buildings has an enormous influence on our attempt to observe, measure and understand the cosmos. “These large structures put cosmological observations on the pressure,” the authors write.

The buildings leave the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the relics radiation from the Big Bang and important evidence for them. The properties of the CMB correspond to our theoretical predictions with almost surgical precision.

The gravity of the overstructures changes the CMB because it goes through them according to the integrated Sachs wolf (ISW) effect and creates fluctuations in the CMB. These fluctuations are foreground artifacts that are difficult to filter and introduce interventions in our understanding of the CMB and thus the big bang.

Cosmic microwave background card
The complete image of the temperature fluctuations (as color differences) in the cosmic microwave background takes place from nine years of WMAP observations. These are the seeds of galaxies from a time when the universe was under 400,000 years. (NASA/WMAP)

The structures can also affect the measurements of the Hubble constant, a fundamental value in cosmology that describes how quickly the universe is expanded. While the galaxies are moving apart due to expansion, they also have local speeds that describe independent speeds or streaming movements.

These must be separated from the expansion to clearly understand the expansion. The large mass of these buildings influences these streaming movements and distorts our measurements of the Hubble constant.

Research also notes that these massive structures can change and distort our sky images through a large -scale gravitational lenses. This can cause errors in our measurements.

On the other hand, simulations of the Lambda CDM produce superstructures such as Quipu and the four others. Lambda CDM is our standard model of cosmology from Big Bang and takes into account a lot of what we see in the universe, like its large -scale structure.

“We find over structures with similar properties in simulations based on Lambda CDM cosmology models,” the authors write.

It is clear that these buildings are of crucial importance for understanding the universe. They have a significant part of its matter and influence their surroundings in a fundamental way. More research is required to understand you and your influence.

“Interesting follow -up examinations on our results, for example, include studies on the influence of these environments on galaxy population and development,” the authors write in their conclusion.

According to the study, these buildings will not exist forever. “In future cosmic evolution, these buildings have to divided into several collapsing units. They are therefore temporary configurations,” explain Bohringer and its co-researchers.

“But at the moment they are special physical units with characteristic properties and special cosmic environments that deserve special attention.”

This article was originally published by Universe today. Read the original article.

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