Lee Goldberg is a self-identified “relaxation engineer”, manufacturer/hacker, green-tech Maven, aviator, gadfly and geek dad. He spent the first 18 years of his career to design microprocessors, embedded systems, applications for renewable energies and occasional interplanetary spaceships. After acting his target area and solving iron against a keyboard and a second career as a Tech journalist, he has spent the next two decades in several printing and online engineering publications.
Lee's current focus is on power supply electronics, in particular technologies that are involved with energy efficiency, energy management and renewable energies. With his reporting on sustainable technologies and various ecological and social problems within the technical community, which he began in 1996, also 3D printer, open source hardware and other manufacturers/hacker technologies.
Lee has a Bseo in electrical engineering at Thomas Edison College and took part in a colloquium for technology, society and the environment at the Institute for Social Ecology of Goddard College. His book “Green Electronics/Green Bottom Line – A Commonsense guideline for environmental contracts engineering and management” was published by Newnes Press.
Lee, his wife Catherine and his daughter Anwyn are currently living on the outskirts of Princeton NJ, where they disguise themselves as a typical suburban family.
Lee also writes the regular powerbites series.